Guidance Cell


Regular guidance and motivational programmes are a part and parcel of the school system. Career Counselling Sessions, Special Education Programmes are organized time to time.

Teachers as mentors – Every possible care is taken to ensure that our teaching staff is of the highest possible quality. The role of teachers extends well beyond classroom instruction. Children need to be cared for at all times and need to know that someone has an overarching awareness of their lives at school.

Teachers are accessible to parents and students alike for one-to-one consultations, are helpful in addressing individual educational needs and eager to help. The comparatively small size of each class enables our teachers to give attention to each student both inside and outside the classroom.

The role of the Guidance and counselling cell is to support the academic and emotional needs of our students.  Counsellor/ Special Educators meet the students throughout the year to discuss various issues including: adjustment to new surroundings, time management, study skills, career exploration, knowing self and others, adolescence issues. In addition, differently abled students are nurtured with the help of counsellors, special educators working hand in hand with the teachers and parents/ house parents for regular academic progress. We recognize that we are working with an exceptionally talented student population and it is our mission to provide sound counselling and advice throughout school life.

The Guidance and counselling cell is also a resource for parents as well as teachers. Guidance Counsellors serve as liaisons to the many emotional requirements of the children which they otherwise fail to express, through various sessions and presentations held for the parents and teachers.

Our special education services provide for the individual needs of the differently abled children including academic, social, physical and management needs. These are provided with the goal of serving the student in the least restrictive environment. In Delhi Public School, Palwal, the first consideration is education of students with disabilities in general classroom, promoting inclusive education, along with helping them with various therapies, as required.