News & Circular
“An institution is not made by merely bricks and stones but by the strong character & integrity it instills in its students.”………………….Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
Learning is an ongoing process, it never ceases. We believe that an individual starts learning as soon as he /she is born and continues learning throughout his /her life. Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge, attitude and skills. Given the well established fact that the young children learn differently, the education of the young children must be keeping with their unique modes of learning.Multiple Intelligence incorporates several different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability. Some children have the ability to perceive the visuals while others have the ability to use the words, language, numbers, reasons, logics, etc.WE as teachers and administrators need to understand and apply this concept of Multiple Intelligence in order to allow each individual child to attain a level close to his /her maximum potential.DPS Palwal guided by the cause of pioneering quality education for India’s young minds shall always bear the same mark of quality , be it in the high standards of education or infrastructure provided to nurture the young minds!